Some answers to questions we have received about the document regarding June 1st
Some clarification regarding questions parents have raised regarding the document about June 1st and Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils coming in from that date.
Pupils in those eligible year groups will be able to come in after June 1st but only to if we have spaces available and not without prior communication with the school. You won’t just be able to turn up in the morning if we don’t know you are coming as due to the group sizes we may not have the capacity to accommodate you.
A handful of parents indicated, that as one child in one of the eligible year groups will be coming back, they would like to send siblings in non-eligible year groups back as the parents now consider themselves ‘keyworkers’. I need to make it clear that we will not be taking in any additional pupils from Years 2, 3 ,4 or 5 on June 1st. We will continue to have the children of keyworkers and pupils deemed to be vulnerable attend, as they have been for the past 10 weeks, but we will not have the capacity to suddenly accommodate more pupils whose parents for whom it has NOT been necessary to send their children in during this period. We will review this once we see what our keyworker pupil numbers are and in light of any changes to government guidance. If you genuinely feel your situation has changed and that you have keyworker status and need your child to be in school please contact me via the with the details but I cannot guarantee we will have spaces at the moment.
Finally, I know the fact that pupils may not be with their regular teacher is an emotional issue and one I wish we didn’t have to deal with but it is the reality of only being able to have pupils in small groups. However, please don’t not email teachers and request that your child is their group or can your child be put with specific pupils as the final decision will not be down to the class teachers to make. Once we establish which pupils are expected, and if there is a need for additional groups, I will sit down with the year group teachers and I will decide how we arrange each year group. We do have the capacity that any group will be taught by our current teachers from those year groups which are not in school. It is unlikely we will inform parents in advance which teacher their child will be in. If we do require more than 2 groups per year, there will be no way of doing it where I don’t upset some of you but all decisions will be made in the best interests of the children.